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5 Signs You Need New Tyres and How Peach Cars Can Help

Ever wondered when it’s time to say goodbye to your old tyres? It’s not just about aesthetics – your safety on the road depends on it.  Think about it: your tyres are the only part of your car that actually touches the road. They’re your lifeline to grip, control, and safety. But like anything else,… View Article

10 DIY Car Maintenance Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Ever sat on a table at a bar where everyone there owns a car? The amount of advice on car maintenance that flows is usually overwhelming. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how to care for your car, with everyone trying to win you over. Well, keep in mind, however, that the world of… View Article

Coolant System Care: Preventing Overheating

Ever had that terrifying moment when your car’s temperature gauge starts climbing, and you fear your engine might explode? This is a common issue caused by a malfunctioning coolant system, which can turn a smooth drive into a stressful experience.  Whether you’re cruising through highways across the Great Rift Valley or tackling the muddy roads… View Article

Why Won’t My Car Start? 8 Common Causes and Solutions

Ever been stuck with a car that won’t start just when you need it most? You turn the key and hear… nothing. It’s like your car decided to have a bad day too. This is worse if you have an emergency – maybe running late for a meeting or picking someone. It’s not just an… View Article

Is Your Fuel Gauge Playing Tricks? Don’t Get Stranded!

A few weeks ago, Juma, a friend was travelling to say hello to his in-laws in Bungoma. He’d fueled his car, the fuel gauge confidently declaring that he’s got hundreds of kilometers to go. So, he kicked back, relaxed, and pumped the fuel. Six hours later, his beloved “baby” started sputtering. It coughed and finally… View Article

Why Did My Car Battery Die? Here Are 10 Reasons  (And How to Fix Them)

Buying a car for the first time is such an exhilarating experience. From the moment you drive off the part of that dealership, to your parking lot at home…you’re always smiling. At 2 AM in the night, you’ll be up, right there beside your car thinking, “Ama hii gari inasikia baridi?” (Could it be feeling… View Article

How to Jumpstart Your Car: A Simple Guide for Kenyan Drivers

Have you ever left the house in a hurry, you’re running late for work, a date or that family gathering, you hop into your ride, turn the key, and… nothing? You try again and again before you realise that your car’s decided to take a nap at the worst possible time. Well, before you call… View Article

7 Must-Check Things in Your Car Before Hitting the Open Roads

Picture this: You’re cruising along the winding roads of the Great Rift Valley, and the golden savannah of Maasai Mara stretches out before you like a scene from ‘The Lion King’. The sun is setting, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink that would make even the most bored Nairobian stop and stare…. View Article

Car Care Conversations: Why Regular Servicing Makes Your Car Reliable and Saves You Money

“Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.”  This isn’t just a quote. It is a mantra that every car owner should live by. Yet, for some people, car maintenance is like calling your father and telling him you love him – you know… View Article

5 Important Things to Check on Your Car After a Road Trip

We’ve all been there – that epic road trip with your squad, cruising down the highway, windows down, music blasting. Those memories, as you cruise past the Viewpoint, overlooking the Great Rift Valley on your way to Naivasha, or revving down tiny paths across Maasai Mara, will last forever. But you know what else should… View Article