Car Care Conversations: Why Regular Servicing Makes Your Car Reliable and Saves You Money

“Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.”  This isn’t just a quote. It is a mantra that every car owner should live by. Yet, for some people, car maintenance is like calling your father and telling him you love him – you know… View Article

“Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.” 

This isn’t just a quote. It is a mantra that every car owner should live by. Yet, for some people, car maintenance is like calling your father and telling him you love him – you know it is important, but somehow it never makes it to the top of your priority list.

We understand. Tunaelewa. Life can get busy. Between work deadlines, and social and family commitments, who has time to think about oil changes? And when the money is tight or kukaukiwa as Kenyans put it, it’s tempting to postpone that car service appointment with your mechanic.

After all, if it ain’t broke, why fix it, right?

Wrong. Regular servicing keeps your car running smoothly and safely, preventing those nasty surprises that leave you stranded (and sweaty) on the side of the road.

Here are more reasons why you should always strive to keep your car happy and healthy. 

Why Should You Care About Car Servicing?

Did you know? Vehicle maintenance and repair services account for over 25% of customer spending in the automotive aftermarket. That explains why sometimes when you call your friend, he’s like, “I’m in the garage, bwana”.

But what exactly makes servicing so crucial?

  1. It Saves You Money

Think of car servicing as a health check-up for your vehicle. Just like how catching a cold early can save you from a nasty flu, regular servicing spots small issues before they balloon into expensive repairs. 

For instance, skipping oil changes can cause sludge buildup, which may lead to engine failure. Fixing a damaged engine can cost tens of thousands of shillings. On the other hand, regular oil changes cost a fraction of that and prevent such catastrophic failures.

  1. It Makes Your Car Reliable and Dependable

Ever been stranded on the side of the road, watching other cars whizz by? Not fun, right? Regular servicing keeps your car dependable, reducing the chances of unexpected breakdowns. It’s like having a best friend who always comes through for you when you need them.

What’s more, a well-maintained car performs better. You’ll enjoy smoother rides, better fuel efficiency, and a vehicle that responds to your every command. Who doesn’t want that?

  1. Keeps You Safe on the Road

Here’s a sobering thought: Kenya’s Ministry of Road and Transport in April issued a statement regarding the increased road accidents in the country. Unroadworthy vehicles were among the top reasons. This means that vehicle defects contribute a lot to road accidents – something which can be prevented with proper maintenance.

Why is that important? Because, when you’re behind the wheel, you’re not just responsible for yourself, but for your passengers and other road users too. Worn-out tyres can lead to blowouts, faulty brakes can make stopping a challenge, and dimmed headlights compromise night-time visibility. Regular servicing ensures your car meets all safety standards, giving you peace of mind on every drive.

  1. Improve Fuel Efficiency

In a country where fuel prices can change faster than Nairobi’s weather, every drop of fuel saved counts. If you service your car regularly, your car will use fuel more efficiently. 

Let’s consider this: a dirty air filter restricts airflow to your engine, causing it to work harder and consume more fuel.  Replacing the air filter during servicing can boost your fuel efficiency significantly. Over time, this means fewer trips to the petrol station and more money in your pocket.

  1. Maintains Your Car’s Value

Ever wondered why a well-maintained car fetches a higher price when you sell it? It’s simple! A full-service history demonstrates to potential buyers that you’ve taken good care of your vehicle. It’s like having a sparkling clean car at the showroom – it looks great and attracts more interest, increasing its resale value! 

A documented service history gives potential buyers peace of mind, knowing the car has been properly maintained and is less likely to have any hidden problems. They’re more likely to be confident in the car’s condition and willing to offer a higher price.

So, how often should you service your car?

This depends on your car’s make, and model, and how you drive it. But as a general rule, most manufacturers recommend servicing your car every 12 months or 10,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. 

More importantly, check your car’s handbook for the specific service intervals recommended by the manufacturer.

Looking for a reliable service centre?

While there are some car maintenance tasks you can do yourself (like checking tyre pressure or topping up windscreen washer fluid), most servicing is best left to the professionals. They have the tools, expertise, and experience to spot potential issues that might escape the untrained eye.

At Peach Cars, we understand the importance of keeping your car safe, reliable, and running smoothly. That’s why we offer comprehensive car servicing that goes beyond the basics.

Our expert technicians will perform a meticulous 255-point inspection, ensuring no issue goes unnoticed. They’ll identify and address any potential problems before they become major headaches, saving you money and frustration down the road. Plus, with Peach Cars’ commitment to transparency, you’ll always be kept in the loop throughout the servicing process.Ready to experience the Peach Cars difference? Call us today or visit our dealerships in Lavington, James Gichuru Road or in Windsor, Northern Bypass to schedule your car service. We’ll get you back on the road with confidence, knowing your car is in tip-top shape!